OUR OLMS RETIREMENT RESIDENCE Feel the Warmth of our Community! Create a living space that is distinctly your own in our beautiful condo style residence! ONE BEDROOM & DEN FOR THE PRICE OF A ONE BEDROOM! While supplies last! NSPIRED SENIOR LIVING WITH THE JUKEBOX JAMMERS PRESENT, FIDDLER ON THE ROOF TUESDAY, JANUARY 29TH FROM 2:30 4:00 PM This amazing group of seniors will take you on a fabulous sentimental journey in song as they perform songs from The Fiddler on the Roof Join us for a fun filled, exhilarating and joyous afternoon as we welcome back the always fabulous, always delightful and alway entertaining Jukebox Jammers! Please RSVP as seats are limited! iddlrs CALL TODAY! 905-738-0905 I 1500 STEELES AVE·WEST, THORNHILL ON I verveseniorliving.com