SPECTACULAR SUMMER SPECIALS ONE BEDROOMS STARTING FROM $3,700 A MONTH! Limited Number Available! CALL TODAY! SECOND OCCUPANT FREE FOR ONE YEAR Certain conditions may apply BONUS OUR OLMS Four Elms will help pay for your move! RETIREMENT RESIDENCE MAY APPLY THE JUKEBOX JAMMERS ROCK FOUR ELMS! LUULTHE DIVINE DUO FEATURING RHODA SHACK &ASHER FARBER THURSDAY, JULY 25TH FROM 2:30 4 PM Four Elms proudly welcomes The Divine Duo! Rhoda Shack accompanied by Asher Farber will delight us with a very special performance of well-known and beloved Broadway classics along with many ofyour favorite songs from the 30's and 40's An enchanting and mesmerizing performance you do not want to miss! Please RSVP THURSDAY, AUGUST 7T FROM 2:30-4 PM This amazing troupe of seniors will take you on a sentimental journey in song! Join us for a fun filled, exhilarating and joyous afternoon as we welcome back the always fabulous, always delightful and always entertaining Jukebar Jammers! Produced by Judith Ross. Musical Director Rhonda Silver. Please RSVP CALL TODAY! 905-738-0905 | 1500 STEELES AVE. WEST, THORNHILL ON I verveseniorliving.com