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    October 28, 2019
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NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Annual General Meeting of the Members of the Young Men's Young Women's Hebrew Association of Montreal will be held at the Head Office of the Association at 5400 Westbury Avenue, Montreal, Quebec at 7:00 pm on Tuesday, November 26, 2019. SYLVAN ADAMS YM-YWHA CCJ BEN WEIDER JCC HARRY BRONFMAN YCC L'ASSEMBLEE GÉNÉRALE ANNUELLE des Membres de l'Association hébraique des jeunes hommes jeunes femmes de Montréal se tiendra au siège social de l'Association au 5400 avenue Westbury, Montréal, Québec à 19h00 mardi le 26 novembre 2019. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Annual General Meeting of the Members of the Young Men's Young Women's Hebrew Association of Montreal will be held at the Head Office of the Association at 5400 Westbury Avenue, Montreal, Quebec at 7:00 pm on Tuesday, November 26, 2019. SYLVAN ADAMS YM-YWHA CCJ BEN WEIDER JCC HARRY BRONFMAN YCC L'ASSEMBLEE GÉNÉRALE ANNUELLE des Membres de l'Association hébraique des jeunes hommes jeunes femmes de Montréal se tiendra au siège social de l'Association au 5400 avenue Westbury, Montréal, Québec à 19h00 mardi le 26 novembre 2019.