SYLVAN ADAMS YM-YWHA CCJ BEN WEIDER JCC HARRY BRONFMAN YCC THANK YO U To our extraordinary 2018 Y Golf Committee: Honorary Chair Tony Loffreda Co-Chairs Tony Aksa and Sheldon Krakower Young Professional Co-Chairs Michael & Noah Neudorf Tina Apfeld Rosenthal Robert Fainer Anthony Ferrera Phil Frai Hugues Nante Adam Sternthal Mike Woloz Thanks to your energy and dedication, this year hundreds of children and families in need will have the opportunity to experience our summer camps and join our fitness, recreational and community programs. Your support gives everyone the chance to belong at the Sylvan Adams YM-YWHA AMin Fagen, CPA CA President Marla Gold Executive Director 2018 Y Golf Sponsors Platinum The Beason Tam Wealth Management Gold NATIONALE MO RA Uting & Associates ic