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    August 20, 2018
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Ride some of the biggest rates. always be kept safe and dry. Oaken GICs and savings accounts are available through both Home Bank and Home Trust Company, which are separate members of CDIC. This means your deposits are eligible for CDIC coveraget under either option, and will be protected in exactly the same way as the big banks. What's more, there are no hidden fees or any other tricks - just simple, secure savings. So jump in and catch among the highest rates around Waves may come and go, but your savings should To find out more,call 1-888-995-0348 or visit 2.30% Oaken 2.80% 1 Year GIC FINANCIAL Plant for your future 3.00% 3.50% 18 Month GIC 5 Year GIC Oaken Financial is a trademark of Home Bank, member of CDIC es shown are in effect as at August 16, 2018, and subject to change Intenest on all GICs s paid annuaily or compounded annually and paid at maturity minimum deposit $1,000 AI GICs are non-redeemable except for the Cashable GC, which 25 based on year term and redeem able after 90 days, and not available for negistered plans "CDIC coverage up to applcable limits. Home Bank is a wholly owned subuidiary of Home Trust Company. llome Bank and lome Trst Company are separate members of the Canada Deposit inurance Corporation (CDIO 145 King Street West, Concourse Level, Toronto, ON MSH 18 akenFinancial @oakenfinancial