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  • Published Date

    June 4, 2018
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Higher rates to give your savingS a lift. 3.40% 2.80% 300% 2.30% 5 Year GIC 18 Month GIC 1 Year GIC Up, up and away. At Oaken, we offer among the loftiest GIC rates in the country. And you'll never have to worry about teaser rates, hidden fees or confusing fine print. It's justa great place to save your money, safely and securely. Best of all, Oaken GICs and savings accounts are available through either Home Bank or Home Trust Company, with your deposits eligible for CDIC coverage under both. So let go and watch your savings fly higher Cashable GIC To find out more, call 1-888-995-0348 or visit Oaken FINANCIAL Plant for your future Oaken Financial is a trademark of West, Concou Home Bank, member of CDIC Rhown are in eflect as at May 31, 2018 and subject to change, Interest on all GiCs b paid annusly or compounded annuslily and pald at maturity 145 King Street West, Concourse Level. Toronto, ON MSH 118 0 OakenFinancial @oakerfinancial minimum deposit $1,000. Al GK$ are non fedeemable except for the ca hable GK, which is based on·1 year term and redeem able after 90 days, and not available for registered plans. " coverage up 10 appicable limits. Home Bank is a wholly owned subsidiry of Home Trust Company. Home Bank and Home Teust Compamy are separate members of the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation (CDio