Menopause and the Modern Woman: It's Time to Change The Change The biggest public misconception is that these are trivial, short-lived symptoms that women have to endure, almost like a woman's burden. -Dr. Wendy Wolfman The average Canadian woman reaches menopause halfway through her life, as she enters some of her most vibrant years. The common symptoms of menopause hot flashes, night sweats, mood changes, sleep dysfunction, sexual changes and headaches can greatly affect a woman's health and well-being. To date, we have raised $2 million for the Carol Mitchell Chair in Mature Women's Health. Dr. Wendy Wolfman is the inaugural Chair holder and is leading vital research, education and care in this emerging health issue. Carol Mitchell and her family made an incredible commitment to match every donation to bring us to our new $3 million goal which will accelerate this important work Join us as we de-stigmatize menopause and come together to support the unique health needs of mature women. To learn more or to donate, please visit Singi Health Foundation