CAMERO N 15 STEPHENS MORTGAGE CAPITAL YEARD AN EXCLUSIVE INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY You are cordially invited to a private Cameron Stephens Mortgage Capital event, presenting an opportunity to invest with one of Canada's leading non-bank lenders. We present to you the CAMERON STEPHENS High Yield Mortgage Trust We are hosting an information session on November 28, 2019, with limited capacity. Please RSVP quickly as space will be limited, and will be on a first-come, first-serve basis Join us to learn more about this exciting investment opportunity Date: Thursday, November 28, 2019 Time: 12:00 pm Place:Four Seasons Hotel Jasper Meeting Room 60 Yorkville Avenue, Toronto, ON MAW OA4 RSVP by: Monday, November 25, 2019 Light lunch will be served To RSVP please contact Kristina Mark 416-591-8787 227 I [email protected] Cameron Stephens Mortgge Captal (CSMC) has been is the non-bank mortgage space for over 15 years and has a $1.4 billian loan portfalio (S400 milion of private capital and $1 billen of insttutional capital. CSMC recently launched a new fund, the Cameron Stephens High Yeld Mortgage Trst (CSMT. CSMTs focus will be on leveraging Cameron Stephens' expertise in the residential development and construction sectors CSMTS target net yield range is 7.00 % to 9.00 % . has aminimun investment requiement of $150,000, and it is an eligble investment for registered plans 0.e RRSPs caaats theag Teronto 25 Adelaide Street East, Sute 600 Toronto, Ontario MSC 3A1 4161 591-8787 Calgary $40 6th Avenue SW Sute 200.213 Calgary, AB 12P OVS (03) 455-4854 Vancouver 01 West Georgia Street, Sute 1500 Vancouver, 8C V7Y IC6 0504) 489-3775 Please note the inestnent s only aalable to thoe ho uality a ed ieston'under applicable securties bae. This invtationi provided for infarmational purposes only and does not conie an offer orsale or any form of general soliciation or advertining ot nerests i ay inetmet eice Ay tach er ell anly be mae in acodance wih applcale laws purnt to an ottering enrandun and reluted documents, which wl be pavided to oualifed prspectwe invetors upon equest CAMERO N 15 STEPHENS MORTGAGE CAPITAL YEARD AN EXCLUSIVE INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY You are cordially invited to a private Cameron Stephens Mortgage Capital event, presenting an opportunity to invest with one of Canada's leading non-bank lenders. We present to you the CAMERON STEPHENS High Yield Mortgage Trust We are hosting an information session on November 28, 2019, with limited capacity. Please RSVP quickly as space will be limited, and will be on a first-come, first-serve basis Join us to learn more about this exciting investment opportunity Date: Thursday, November 28, 2019 Time: 12:00 pm Place:Four Seasons Hotel Jasper Meeting Room 60 Yorkville Avenue, Toronto, ON MAW OA4 RSVP by: Monday, November 25, 2019 Light lunch will be served To RSVP please contact Kristina Mark 416-591-8787 227 I [email protected] Cameron Stephens Mortgge Captal (CSMC) has been is the non-bank mortgage space for over 15 years and has a $1.4 billian loan portfalio (S400 milion of private capital and $1 billen of insttutional capital. CSMC recently launched a new fund, the Cameron Stephens High Yeld Mortgage Trst (CSMT. CSMTs focus will be on leveraging Cameron Stephens' expertise in the residential development and construction sectors CSMTS target net yield range is 7.00 % to 9.00 % . has aminimun investment requiement of $150,000, and it is an eligble investment for registered plans 0.e RRSPs caaats theag Teronto 25 Adelaide Street East, Sute 600 Toronto, Ontario MSC 3A1 4161 591-8787 Calgary $40 6th Avenue SW Sute 200.213 Calgary, AB 12P OVS (03) 455-4854 Vancouver 01 West Georgia Street, Sute 1500 Vancouver, 8C V7Y IC6 0504) 489-3775 Please note the inestnent s only aalable to thoe ho uality a ed ieston'under applicable securties bae. This invtationi provided for infarmational purposes only and does not conie an offer orsale or any form of general soliciation or advertining ot nerests i ay inetmet eice Ay tach er ell anly be mae in acodance wih applcale laws purnt to an ottering enrandun and reluted documents, which wl be pavided to oualifed prspectwe invetors upon equest