ANNOUNCEMENT UNIV Yeshiva University announces major scholarship investment for Montreal students who wish to attend YU Montreal, QC, 2020: Yeshiva University is proud to announce a meaningful investment in the Montreal Jewish Community. Through the Gewurz Family Foundation, Yeshiva University benefactors Samuel and Brenda Gewurz have made a gift to establish a Scholarship Fund for Montreal Jewish Day School Graduates. This gift will ensure that two Montreal students will be selected annually to receive $25.000US per year to enable them to attend Yeshiva University. This gift will also ensure yearly Yeshiva University educational lectures and programming at Tifereth Beth David Jerusalem Synagogue in Montreal. Allstudentswho graduate fromanaccreditedMontreal Jewish Day School and, as part of their application to Stern College for Women, Sy Syms School of Business or Yeshiva College undergraduate programs, request scholarship funding from Yeshiva University, will be eligible to receive the Gewurz YU Scholarship. Successful candidates will have submitted complete and timely applications to the YU Office of Admissions and be able to show financial need, scholastic achievement and community engagement as each will be evaluated by the Scholarship Committee. Details of this Scholarship are available from YU Admission Officers. The Gewurz's have made this gift to encourage more Montreal students to apply for, and benefit from, a education which provides students with an unmatched Judaic and secular university education within a warm atmosphere of Torah studies. Jewish fellowship and a love for the State of Israel. Yeshiva University. Building Tomorrow, Today. Rabbi Dr. Ari Berman, President Rabbi Dr. Herbert C. Dobrinsky, Vice President for University Affairs Adam z. Gerdts, Vice President for Institutional Advancement Stuart M. Haber, National Director, Canadian Friends of Yeshiva University Founded in 1886. Yeshiva University brings together the ancient traditions of Jewish law and ife and the heritoge of Western civilization. More than 7,400 undergraduate and graduate students study at YU's four New York City campuses: the WIr Campus, Israel Henry Beren Campus. Brookdale Center, and Jack and Peari Resnick Campus. YU's three undergraduate schoos - Yeshiva College. Stem College for Women, and Sy Syms School of Business - offer a unique dual program comprised of Jewish studies and lberal arts courses. Its graduate and affliate schools include Albert Einstein College of Medicine. Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law. Wurzweiler School of Social Work. Ferkauf Graduate School of Psychology. Azrieli Graduate School of Jewish Education and Administration, Bernard Revel Graduate School of Jewish Studies, the Katz School of Science and Health and Rabbi isaac Ekchanan Theological Seminary. YU is ranked among the nation's leading academic institutions. ISHIAINA ANNOUNCEMENT UNIV Yeshiva University announces major scholarship investment for Montreal students who wish to attend YU Montreal, QC, 2020: Yeshiva University is proud to announce a meaningful investment in the Montreal Jewish Community. Through the Gewurz Family Foundation, Yeshiva University benefactors Samuel and Brenda Gewurz have made a gift to establish a Scholarship Fund for Montreal Jewish Day School Graduates. This gift will ensure that two Montreal students will be selected annually to receive $25.000US per year to enable them to attend Yeshiva University. This gift will also ensure yearly Yeshiva University educational lectures and programming at Tifereth Beth David Jerusalem Synagogue in Montreal. Allstudentswho graduate fromanaccreditedMontreal Jewish Day School and, as part of their application to Stern College for Women, Sy Syms School of Business or Yeshiva College undergraduate programs, request scholarship funding from Yeshiva University, will be eligible to receive the Gewurz YU Scholarship. Successful candidates will have submitted complete and timely applications to the YU Office of Admissions and be able to show financial need, scholastic achievement and community engagement as each will be evaluated by the Scholarship Committee. Details of this Scholarship are available from YU Admission Officers. The Gewurz's have made this gift to encourage more Montreal students to apply for, and benefit from, a education which provides students with an unmatched Judaic and secular university education within a warm atmosphere of Torah studies. Jewish fellowship and a love for the State of Israel. Yeshiva University. Building Tomorrow, Today. Rabbi Dr. Ari Berman, President Rabbi Dr. Herbert C. Dobrinsky, Vice President for University Affairs Adam z. Gerdts, Vice President for Institutional Advancement Stuart M. Haber, National Director, Canadian Friends of Yeshiva University Founded in 1886. Yeshiva University brings together the ancient traditions of Jewish law and ife and the heritoge of Western civilization. More than 7,400 undergraduate and graduate students study at YU's four New York City campuses: the WIr Campus, Israel Henry Beren Campus. Brookdale Center, and Jack and Peari Resnick Campus. YU's three undergraduate schoos - Yeshiva College. Stem College for Women, and Sy Syms School of Business - offer a unique dual program comprised of Jewish studies and lberal arts courses. Its graduate and affliate schools include Albert Einstein College of Medicine. Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law. Wurzweiler School of Social Work. Ferkauf Graduate School of Psychology. Azrieli Graduate School of Jewish Education and Administration, Bernard Revel Graduate School of Jewish Studies, the Katz School of Science and Health and Rabbi isaac Ekchanan Theological Seminary. YU is ranked among the nation's leading academic institutions. ISHIAINA